Sunday, 29 June 2008

TNA iMPACT Review - Thursday 26th June 2008

After missing last week’s iMPACT I was looking forward to seeing what was happening in TNA this week after hearing good things about their UK tour.

Good Points

Brother Ray getting good promo and mic time

I think TNA are really starting to use Brother Ray well giving him time to get over his heel persona. Although his best performing days are behind him its great to have him around one of the main event scenes to drive and add heat to a storyline.

Good use of Karen Angle

Great to see TNA really using Karen well and developing a feud between her and The Beautiful People as a little side storyline to play off the main Kurt and AJ thing is great thinking.

More guys getting time

It was good to see both The Guru Sonjay Dutt and Matt Morgan getting good TV time. Sonjay has had to hang around for months with not much to do but now that the storyline with him, Jay Lethal and SoCal Val has come to a head he is finally getting his rewards. Good to see Matt Morgan being given promo time hopefully this means they are actually going to commit him in to a proper feud soon.

Bad Points

Again no Samoa Joe in ring action

When Angle is injured TNA really need Samoa Joe to step up with more in ring action. To build him as the main event star they need to have him performing week in and week out and if they are building a PPV on him they need to give him the chance to help attract PPV buys through the weekly shows.

Poor Main event

To have Booker T and Nash headlining an iMPACT is terrible, it’s like we have warped back to WCW in 1999. Don’t get me wrong Booker deserves a push but to put him in there with Nash is the wrong move. WE maybe bad at the moment but I bet they are laughing when they see that as a main event.


Ruined by the main event and the lack of TNA made guys around the main event scene at the moment. Besides from that very good in places.

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