After a good show at iMPACT last week would TNA go back to its usual hit and miss formula of weekly TV programmes or would we see consistency creep in to TNA it is Christmas after all.
Good Points
Good Build for Angle vs. Jarrett
TNA did a good job of pushing this one as Angle went out to the ring to attack Jarrett’s family on the mic to force him to come out to the ring. The heated altercation ended with a nice pull apart and left Jarrett fuming backstage about Foley asking him who’s side he was on after cavorting with the Main Event Mafia over the last few weeks.
X-Division Tournament
The X-Division tournament is providing us with some good wrestling matches and a good storyline for the MCMG as they both try and make the finals and continue to try and prove they are the big guns in TNA.
Another nice piece for Suicide this week as he appeared in the ring to fend off Awesome Kong from attacking ODB and Christy Hemme only for the lights to go down and for him or her to vanish. There is a lot thy can do with this character so long may this kind of stuff continue.
Bad Points
Frontline made to look pathetic
It’s the NWO all over again. TNA are pushing MEM too strong every week and not letting The Frontline get one back on them. After not protecting Bubba last week this week The Frontline were helpless but to watch Samoa Joe get a beat down. The booking decisions reek of backstage politics.
Most obvious swerves in history
At the moment TNA are setting up the most obvious swerves in history. I think it is obvious that Mick Foley is befriending the MEM is to turn on them as siding with them is out of his character and I think it is obvious the Team 3D may switch to MEM. I hope it doesn’t go down this way but I wouldn’t be surprised if it does.
If it wasn’t for Angle and Jarrett the show wouldn’t be worth watching when you have a feud which isn’t involved with the title and the main stable feud stealing the show you have major problems.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
TNA iMPACT Review - Thursday 18th December 2008
Saturday, 20 December 2008
WWE Smackdown Review - Friday 19th December 2008
With 2008 drawing to end Smackdown couldn’t forget that tonight they needed to start building for Royal Rumble. With the Smackdown title match being the highlight of Armageddon would Smackdown continue this momentum in to their weekly TV shows.
Good Points
Jeff gets his moment
Was great to see Jeff being introduced to kick the show off with a huge pyro and confetti entrance as he got the chance to address the fans. It looks like they are building him vs. Edge for the Royal Rumble which will be a good new feud to kick off 2009 with.
Use of Matt Hardy
Great to see Smackdown weaving Matt Hardy in to the storyline of his brother as champion. Last week they had Matt Hardy and Edge disputing who was the one to beat up Jeff in the hotel and this week they had a one on one match on th show in where Edge got some revenge for his lost at Armageddon.
Bad Points
Hardly any HHH
HHH made an impact at the end of Smackdown by coming on to save Jeff from an attack from Edge and Kozlov but outside of those few minutes he was nowhere to be seen. With no good undercard feud at the moment on Smackdown they need HHH to start a feud to be the second main event.
No tag team scene
The tag belts on Smackdown are worthless. Not only are they not defends on PPV’s but they don’t ever seem to be defends on Smackdown these days, if you aren’t going to use the belts your only degrading them by not using them.
Smackdown have on great feud that could steel the show at the Rumble, but outside that they have nothing.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
WWE Raw Review - 15th December 2008
After a really good Armageddon I was looking forward to see how WWE were going to end out 2008 over the next few weeks on Raw.
Good Points
Finally doing something with Kane
It may be a convoluted way to start a storyline but after presenting an award together last week at The Slammys Kane has now fallen for Kelly Kelly. To the point that he chased her backstage and kidnapped her while Kane tried to find out who Kelly Kelly’s boyfriend was. After many segments of kidnapping he went to the ring and destroyed The Miz so we are lead to believe that Kelly told Kane that The Miz was her boyfriend.
Orton back on top
It looks like Armageddon was just a blip as Orton was back on top after delivering a good promo and then laying the beat on Batista which ended up with him punting Batista in the head and getting disqualified in the main event but it was Orton who left celebrating as he got what he wanted done.
Good storyline development for Jericho
Since losing to Cena at Armageddon Jericho saw being put in a match with Duggan as being moved to the bottom of the pile so refused to wrestle him comparing it to if someone missed the winning hit in sport they don’t get dropped for the next game. I like where his character is going.
Bad Points
Wanted to see CM Punk in singles action
After winning number one contenders spot for the IC title and dropping the tag belts I was looking forward to seeing CM Punk return to singles action but again he was thrown back with Kofi against The Miz and Morrison.
Dolph Ziggler beats on Santa Claus
If they are going to get Dolph over thy need to give him some promo time and actually build him in to a proper storyline or else he is just going to turn in to another Burchill where he is used for a few weeks in random matches and then dropped in to obscurity again.
A solid outing with some good new storylines to keep the product fresh for the end of 2008.
Monday, 15 December 2008
WWE Armageddon 2008 Review
After a poor Survivor Series I was hoping WWE would end the year with a bang as they presented their last PPV of 2008 Armageddon. Armageddon has for me normally been a strong and enjoyable event with some memorable matches happening during the nine year history of this event but this year WWE wouldn’t have to do much to beat TNA’s last offering of the year.
Good Points
Jeff Hardy finally wins the gold
After six or so months working main event matches and to have Jeff Hardy come up short every time you either had to have the pay off of him finally winning the belt or remove him from the main event scene altogether and thankfully it was him winning the belt. This was a great moment to end 2008 with as many people believed that they were never going to give Jeff the belt because of his backstage problems and the booking over the last six months but it was a real history making and satisfying moment.
Cena / Jericho much better second time around
Now that these guys actually had a back story they had built up on Raw they put together a great match. Jericho was on top form and there were a lot of great spots. The only thing that spoiled the match was the ending, Jericho should not have tapped that quickly but besides from that I never expected Cena to drop the belt so it went as planned.
Great Midcard prospect
I would pay again to see CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio. After Mysterio had been lumbered with Kane for so long and being unable to do a lot of high flying offence it was great to see him and CM Punk put on a high paced high flying affair. The only thing with CM Punk is he is a little bit dangerous I think he may have broken Rey’s nose with his Go To Sleep finisher.
Bad Points
Match order
As soon as Cena vs. Jericho came out before the Smackdown main event I knew we were going to see Hardy win the belt as the only time McMahon puts the Smackdown as the main is if a face is going to win the title.
Smackdown title scene
After months of seeing HHH as champion on Smackdown we have now had two new champions in the space of the month. I’m not sure if the title was given to Edge as a way to get the belt to Hardy without him beating HHH or if Edge was still not ready physically for a title run. Now we have Hardy as champion and I don’t see him holding on the belt for too long so we can have three different champions in the space of months.
Orton’s push ended in a week
After being put over strong on Raw last week with a killer promo and a win to have him lose to Batista made no sense. He needs to be pushed as Raw’s top heel again and this isn’t helping.
Much better than Survivor Series or TNA’s last offering of the year and a nie history making moment to end the show off with.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
TNA iMPACT Review - Thursday 11th December 2008
After a poor Final Resolution and with WWE’s last PPV of the year coming up this weekend TNA really needed to put in a decent show this week. With rumours circulating that Angle is on his way back to WWE when his contract expires these are uncertain times for TNA.
Good Points
The Intensity is back
On tonight’s show we had intensity like we haven’t seen since the Angle / Karen / AJ love triangle. Bubba took up the lead of the Frontline as he challenged Kurt to a match to end the rivalry between them and the Main Event Mafia with the condition being that all other members of the Frontline and the MEM having to leave the building. The match was intense and went to the back where the MEM had as all heels do broken their word and been hiding to lay the beat on Bubba.
Jarrett takes a backseat
Now Jeff has a match with Kurt coming up he has left the running of TNA down to Foley and it will be interesting to see what Foley does now he is in sole charge. This week he was seen coming out of the MEM locker room all smile and pally with his old friends so at the moment we are not sure which side he is on.
Bad Points
Abyss and Matt Morgan
These two should have been pushed to run roughshod over the tag division in TNA but instead they have been made to look like bumbling idiots on the verge of falling apart. The tag division need freshening up as Beer Money have gone stale and yet again TNA waste an opportunity.
I don’t like what creative are doing with this team. Chris Sabin has been pushed to the side and they seem to have no direction. The only direction they have is complaining it seems at the moment. I think it is time they pushed Alex Shelley just as a singles wrestler and drop the MCMG team.
Coming out of Final Resolution I was hating the Frontline / Main Event Mafia but in one show they managed to turn it around which TNA deserve a lot of credit for. They just need to tighten up the undercard with some proper direction and they will have a great show.
Saturday, 13 December 2008
WWE Smackdown Review - Friday 12th December 2008
After a three hour special episode of Raw and with this being the last show before Armageddon it was Smackdown’s turn to put the last things in place before the PPV.
Good Points
Triple Threat feud
HHH and Jeff Hardy have built an intense feud over the last few months and have been holding Smackdown together. As Edge’s in ring work has been limited due to injury these two hav stepped up to the plate whilst the creative team have tried to keep Edge involved as much as possible. To have Hardy and HHH fight the main event in a knock down drag out affair before Edge speared them both causing the match to be thrown out was a great way to set up the PPV.
Hurricane Helms
Helms is looking great since his return and securing a non title win over Benjamin has really pushed him in to the mix. I think Helms will dominate the midcard at Smackdown given the chance.
Backstage love
Now to me weekly wrestling shows are suppose to be about entertainment so I liked the segment backstage where the Bella twins were talking to Primo and Carlito before The Brian Kendrink came in with his bodyguard which lead to a confrontation. You can’t every storyline being about I hate you there has to be a mix of things happening.
Bad Points
Not many Smackdown matches on the main event
You know you’re in problems where there are two ECW matches on the PPV and only one Smackdown match and only four Smackdown guys on the entire card. After their cage match on Smackdown Undertaker an Big Show were nowhere to be seen which has left Smackdown short of big names and main event talent.
MVP and R-Truth lost in the mix
Both of these guys promised so much when they broke in to Smackdown but both seem to have already gone stale with no consistent push given to either of them. The only thing interesting about their match on Smackdown was wondering which guy thy were going to give the win to.
For what they had Smackdown produced a good show but due to lack of matches on the PPV most of the show was taken up with feuds an storylines not connected to the PPV.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
WWE Raw Review - 8th December 2008
With one week to go to Armageddon, the return of the Slammys and a three hour show with some huge cross brand matches WWE were promising a lot with this week’s episode of Raw but the question was could they deliver.
Good Points
Push for Orton
The episode of Raw really pushed Orton for the first time in a long time. Orton cut a killer promo proclaiming “Tonight the legacy is born” and then went on to get to the win for his team over Batista and HHH. I see WWE sliding him back in to the main event scene by Royal Rumble as the new feud for Cena.
Good Ending
The ending to Raw had the feeling of the old days as Edge vs. Cena was interrupted by Jericho and HHH going after their respective opponents for Armageddon which has got me really pumped for the double main event.
Nice build for Cena / Jericho
Was great to see Cena mocking Jericho’s promo from last week and then to see their in ring altercation with Cena telling Jericho he was coming after him and not acting the heel like way Jericho did last week.
Bad Points
Why so many three hour shows
There seems to be a three hour episode every other month at the moment. Now used say once or twice a year you can build them as special but with the glut of them that we have had they are no longer special. Aside from that I don’t think you can expect the younger audience to keep with a show and entertained for three hours straight.
MVP pushed further down the heap
I wasn’t expecting to see him on Raw so it was a nice surprise but again he continued his storyline of losing every match as this week he lost to Charlie Haas. I think the WWE need to take him off TV for a while and bring him back fresh and start again.
For me this just brought back to many bad memories of the cheesy mid 90s era of WWE. The awards instead of being done properly and meaning something were just used for storyline advancement which was too blatantly obvious for them to be taken seriously.
The show got me excited for Armageddon but a two hour episode minus the Slammys could have done exactly the same if booked right.
Sunday, 7 December 2008
WWE Smackdown Review - 5th December 2008
With Raw picking up since the in ring return of Cena and Orton it’s now time for Edge to pick things up on Smackdown following his in ring return at the last PPV.
Good Points
Huge Main Event
The Big Show / Undertaker feud is really going the distance and following their Casket Match they engaged in a cage match to headline Smackdown. To have such a big match on a weekly TV show is a rarity and really showed that the creative team are trying tp ush the boat out.
Edge and Vickie running the show
Was great to see these two baack as the evil couple ruling Smackdown unfairly. The only problem is with Edge booking himself in to easy matches the fans aren’t seeing the best of him and isn’t developing his worth whilst HHH and Jeff Hardy put in quality matches and develop their feud.
Bad Points
Khali kiss segments
The quicker Khali’s contract expires the better. I think WWE would be better off buying Khali out of his contract because his segments are terrible.
MVP under used
Since getting involved in the Scramble title match a few PPV’s ago MVP’s career has taken a nose dive with loss after loss and not having the VIP lounge segment any more to develop his character. They could use him to do so much more and could be a bigger player on Smackdown given the right push.
When Edge gets himself more involved in main events and quality matches then Smakcodnw will be hittting them out of the park. Good to see both Raw and Smackdown ending the yeaar on a high.
TNA iMPACT Review - 4th December 2008
After missing last week’s iMPACT I was looking forward to see what TNA were going to do with their last show before Final Resolution. With the biggest faction war in TNA history going on it was going to be interesting to see if it would be the Main Event Mafia or the Frontline getting the upper hand before the PPV.
Good Points
Jarrett / Angle feud
It’s great to see this feud continuing as it has some great emotion in it and is believable. The intensity of Angle’s and Jarrett’s confrontation in the iMPACT zone was immense and I for one hopes Angle beat Rhino so we get to see Angle vs. Jarrett 2.
Faction Wars
Finally the Frotnline have a name and look like a cohesive unit because when I last watched they were a mess. I think team 3D is a great addition to the faction I just hope that they don’t do the obvious and turn them heel having them double cross the Frontline.
Bad Points
Sarah Palin lookalike
The Sarah Palin lookalike was a terrible idea. We’ve moved on from the election and her segments were just awful. Having comedy segments like this just took us out of the intensity that the faction wars were building.
Abyss drinking with beer money
These segments took Abyss from an unstoppable monster to a pathetic bumbling idiot as he was lead in to drinking by Beer Money and then beaten up.
A solid episode of iMPACT which was got me excited for the PPV. It is very hard to promote a PPV which has an eight man tag for a main event but they did their best.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
WWE Raw Review - 1st December 2008
Recently Raw has been consistently good but not excellent. Now that all the big hitters like Cena, Orton, Batista, HBK, Jericho and JBL are all fit it will be interesting to see if the show quality improves with it as normally the more main event stars you have the better the show is.
Good Points
John Cena against the world
Chris Jericho did a great job on the show tonight. He started off with a great n ring promo which was set up reminiscent of Cena’s last week with Jericho walking through the crowd. Then then antagonist Chris Jericho managed to get under Orton’s skin telling him how Cena always upstaged him and managed to get hi on his side against a common enemy. The show ended with Jericho, Orton and Second generation stars laying the beat on Cena which was a good finish.
Stephanie takes control
No Shane tonight as Steph laid down her authority in control with some good backstage stuff and some good mic work which included a great line about Adamle. She also announced a huge three hour special of Raw next week which will see the return of the Slammys and some big cross brand matches.
Santino Marella
Again Santino provided us with some great slapstick comedy on Raw as he tried to emulate Melina’s ring entrance. This segment was also used to push a Melina / Beth Phoenix feud which should be interesting.
Bad Points
JBL / HBK deal storyline
The storyline idea between these two does not play out well on a wrestling show. Supposedly JBL has offered HBK a private deal that the fans don’t know about and JBL is waiting for HBK’s response. This storyline may have played out in a soap but in wrestling it ended up in a mess which saw HBK walking out of the ring to a chorus of boos.
Dolph Ziggler
After many weeks of backstage segments featuring Dolph he was thrown in the deep end with Batista. Dolph a) shouldn’t have been put in a match against a main event star right away and b) shouldn’t be in there with Batistaa who couldn’t help anyone have a good match and would just be interested in squashing him. I think a feud between Dolph and Santino would have been the best way to start.
A good show with lots going on. It’s still a case of the main storyline being executed well but the rest of the show flagging behind some what. WWE creative need to invest more time in the under card feuds.